Mike Beuttler
Complete Results
Event Pos. No Entrant Chassis Engine Laps Result Points Grid
British Grand Prix 1971 R 6 Clarke-Mordaunt-Guthrie March 711 Ford 21 Oil Pressure - 20
German Grand Prix 1971 DQ 28 Clarke-Mordaunt-Guthrie March 711 Ford 3 Wrong Route To Pits - 22
Austrian Grand Prix 1971 NC 27 Clarke-Mordaunt-Guthrie March 711 Ford 47 - - 19
Italian Grand Prix 1971 R 24 Clarke-Mordaunt-Guthrie March 711 Ford 41 Engine - 16
Canadian Grand Prix 1971 NC 19 STP March Racing March 711 Ford 56 - - 22
Spanish Grand Prix 1972 DNQ 23 Clarke-Mordaunt-Guthrie March 721 Ford - - - -
Monaco Grand Prix 1972 13 5 Clarke-Mordaunt-Guthrie March 721G Ford 76 - - 23
Belgian Grand Prix 1972 R 14 Clarke-Mordaunt-Guthrie March 721G Ford 31 Driveshaft - 22
French Grand Prix 1972 R 15 Clarke-Mordaunt-Guthrie March 721G Ford 33 Out Of Fuel - 27
British Grand Prix 1972 13 31 Clarke-Mordaunt-Guthrie March 721G Ford 69 - - 23
German Grand Prix 1972 8 28 Clarke-Mordaunt-Guthrie March 721G Ford 14 1h47m23.0s - 27
Austrian Grand Prix 1972 R 3 Clarke-Mordaunt-Guthrie March 721G Ford 24 Fuel Metering Unit - 25
Italian Grand Prix 1972 10 16 Clarke-Mordaunt-Guthrie March 721G Ford 54 - - 25
Canadian Grand Prix 1972 NC 27 Clarke-Mordaunt-Guthrie March 721G Ford 59 - - 24
US Grand Prix 1972 13 6 Clarke-Mordaunt-Guthrie March 721G Ford 57 - - 21
Argentinian Grand Prix 1973 10 22 Clarke-Mordaunt-Guthrie-Durlacher March 721G Ford 90 Suspension - 18
Brazilian Grand Prix 1973 R 12 Clarke-Mordaunt-Guthrie-Durlacher March 721G Ford 18 Overheating - 19
South African Grand Prix 1973 NC 24 Clarke-Mordaunt-Guthrie-Durlacher March 721G Ford 65 - - 23
Spanish Grand Prix 1973 7 12 Clarke-Mordaunt-Guthrie-Durlacher March 731 Ford 74 - - 19
Belgian Grand Prix 1973 11 15 Clarke-Mordaunt-Guthrie-Durlacher March 731 Ford 63 Accident - 20
Monaco Grand Prix 1973 R 15 Clarke-Mordaunt-Guthrie-Durlacher March 731 Ford 3 Engine - 21
Swedish Grand Prix 1973 8 15 Clarke-Mordaunt-Guthrie-Durlacher March 731 Ford 77 - - 21
British Grand Prix 1973 11 15 Clarke-Mordaunt-Guthrie-Durlacher March 731 Ford 65 - - 24
Dutch Grand Prix 1973 R 15 Clarke-Mordaunt-Guthrie-Durlacher March 731 Ford 2 Electrics - 23
German Grand Prix 1973 16 15 Clarke-Mordaunt-Guthrie-Durlacher March 731 Ford 13 - - 20
Austrian Grand Prix 1973 R 15 Clarke-Mordaunt-Guthrie-Durlacher March 731 Ford 0 Oil Radiator - 11
Italian Grand Prix 1973 R 15 Clarke-Mordaunt-Guthrie-Durlacher March 731 Ford 34 Gear Lever - 12
Canadian Grand Prix 1973 R 15 Clarke-Mordaunt-Guthrie-Durlacher March 731 Ford 20 Engine - 21
US Grand Prix 1973 10 15 Clarke-Mordaunt-Guthrie-Durlacher March 731 Ford 58 - - 27

NC=Not Classified NT=No time set in qualifying R=Retired
EX=Excluded from meeting W=Withdrawn DQ=Disqualified
DNS=Did not start DNQ=Did not qualify DNPQ=Did not pre-qualify
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